Saturday, September 5, 2009

Doing better

I'm doing better. Feeling better. Going to the doctor in a few weeks (no I didn't lose the 40 pounds! I did, however, drag myself to the gym today!!). Joined an online local support group. It's a new day, new week, new month.

God is good.

I still catch my breath at times when I see newborn babies. . . like today we were at a fun local event at a plantation. A young guy was holding this tiny, beautiful baby and I just took a deep breath and sighed. Longing. Can't wait to meet ours, someday!

Longing. Everyone has that in common. We are all longing for something. A mate. Healing. Financial security. Attaining a goal. Chocolate :). Children. We all deeply long to know our Creator, whether we know it or not. I need to remember that when I interact with others, especially those who are hard to love!

And I need to spend more time with my Creator. I feel like pushing Him away when I am sad or disappointed. But the peace will ultimately come from Him, and not from my wallowing in self pity.

Just a quick note tonight. . . needing to just breathe.

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