Thursday, June 17, 2010

6 months later. . .

6 months post surgery. Fully healed. Didn't lose the weight. (Well, I've lost 12lbs but a far cry from the 60 or so I would like to lose). Pursuing IVF. NOT WHERE I THOUGHT I WOULD BE. Start my injectables next month, with projected egg retrieval end of July. Maybe pregnant by August! (If I survive the hormones. . . I'm on BCP for a few weeks and these are making me a little crazy. . . ).

Emotionally: unstable, overwhelmed, sad, scared.
Physically: healthy, tired.
Spiritually: Drained, doubting, fearful of dreams deferred. Knowing He is for me and He has good for me but sooo afraid to trust. . .

If you read this, pray for me.

Hubby is sweet about this but doesn't quite get the impact it is having on me. Or how HUGE this is. But, we are planting a church so that is his "baby" right now. . . I understand that but still feel very lonely in this process. Big sigh.

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