Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'm back

It's been a while. . . did ya miss me??

Here's a recap: Saw my GYN on September 30th, discovered my fibroid was growing (I knew I had one, but it now was the size of a grapefruit and she recommended that I have it removed before attempting to concieve again). Soooo. . . the last 2 months consisted of setting up my surgery date and recovering!

Today I am 2 weeks post op from an abdominal myomectomy and I feel great! She couldn't remove it lap, so I had to have an open incision. My recovery was longer than a lap, and I'll return to work next week.

So, I saw my doctor today and she said that all my organs/tubes looked good, so we are free to start trying again in 6 MONTHS. Crap. I was a bit crestfallen with that number. 6 months. May. Holy moly. Ok. We can handle this. We are disappointed. The good news is that I've been chatting with DH about getting him tested and hopefully that will be arranged soon and we can get that behind us. Phew. So, now we wait.

The practical side of me thinks, great! You've got 6 months to lose weight!! The folks on the biggest loser lost like 100 lbs in 6 months so this is great! Now. . .ok. . that means discipline. . . eating well. .. no emotional eating. . . excercise. . . must start now. . . must start now. . . but let me get more ice cream first :).

So, off to bed soon because I need to get onto my regular sleep schedule. This mini vacation has been good-- but I'm getting bored! I can drive now, yay!

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